Reimplement `npm install -g` with nix and bash
97th month of 4th era 2017-04-22 (?) · 1265 words · 7 min

I recently happened upon write-good. I wondered if it could help me write this very blog. Well, it did, though probably not in a way the author could have forseen.

The Problem

Somehow - from a blog post, tweet, or lightning talk - a command-line tool comes to your attention. The description leads you to hope it might solve a problem for you. So, you quickly install it and...

Ah, the installation instructions say npm install -g this-package. But you don't have a global installation of npm. You use nix, which lets isolated package sets, package versions, node versions, and everything else, coexist on the same system without complaint. You will never go back to the bad old days of globally installing language-specific package managers, much less language-specific packages!

But this is different: we're talking about a command-line tool which happens to be written in a particular language. And nix is a perfect match for this kind of thing: a package definition for this tool could automatically install every dependency it needed, but only add the tool itself to your $PATH, hiding npm and node themselves as implementation details.

In fact, if the tool is very popular, it might already be in nixpkgs. The list currently includes browserify, cordova, webpack, yeoman...

But let's say it doesn't include the package you're after. At this point, you could submit a patch to add that package. It looks like it'd be pretty easy, too: just add a line with the package's name to that list, and then run the command in the same directory to update the nix files which define the source and dependencies for the whole included set of node packages.

And then you'd wait for it to be merged, and wait for the merge to show up in the release channel you're using...all that work and waiting! You just wanted to try this thing out! You don't even know if it'll help you yet!

Author's note: when I first wrote this, write-good had not been added to nixpkgs, but it has since been.

What you want is a single command that works just like npm install -g, but uses nix under the hood. Given the name of some package on npm, it will look up the latest version of that package, all of its dependencies, and the sha256 hashes of every source archive it needs to download, and then install the whole thing in your current profile.

The Solution

Let's take a look in that script:

#!/bin/sh -e

rm -f node-env.nix
node2nix -i node-packages.json -o node-packages-v4.nix -c composition-v4.nix
node2nix -6 -i node-packages.json -o node-packages-v6.nix -c composition-v6.nix

It's using a project called node2nix to turn that file with an array of package identifiers into complete package definitions. If you clone down nixpkgs and run the script, you'll see that it queries npm's api for each package's latest version, all of its dependencies, and the sha256 hashes of every source archive that would later need to be downloaded, and then creates the nix files with everything nix-env -i, and therefore our dream command, would need!

So, how do we make ourcommand foo run node2nix on a file containing ["foo"]?

#!/usr/bin/env bash
node2nix --input <( echo "[\"$1\"]")

Here's what's happening, step by step:

But, if you try this out, the script will just dump a bunch of nix files in whatever directory you run it. Inconvenient, and incomplete! Let's put them somewhere in /tmp instead, so they'll never overwrite or clutter anything you're working on.

Further, let's, like, you know, actually install them.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p $tempdir
cd $tempdir
node2nix --input <( echo "[\"$1\"]")
nix-env --install --file .

This script does everything that we wanted, but it also leaves us in a temp directory we no longer need. Let's fix it to always take us back where we started, using a matched pair of commands which seem made for that purpose.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p $tempdir
pushd $tempdir
node2nix --input <( echo "[\"$1\"]")
nix-env --install --file .

But wait, those of you playing along at home may have noticed an ironic new problem: this script itself depends on our having globally installed node2nix! That's both totally normal for scripts, and totally crap. We're nix users: we can do better. In fact, we can do better in two different ways.

The first is to change the shebang of the script from bash to nix-shell. This lets us write scripts that download their own dependencies. In this case, all we need is node2nix, which thankfully is already in nixpkgs.

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p nodePackages.node2nix

The -i argument specifies what interpreter the script needs - in this case, bash - and the -p argument says what nix packages the script needs in its environment - in this case node2nix. Just put that script anywhere you like in your $PATH.

But manually moving scripts around is scrub-tier garbage. The second and superior way to solve the dependency problem is to install the script itself as a nix package. I know, I know: we were doing all this to avoid writing packages, but I swear, it's almost as simple as adding those same six lines of bash directly to your package overrides in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix:

  packageOverrides = super: {
    nix-npm-install = pkgs.writeScriptBin "nix-npm-install" ''
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      mkdir -p $tempdir
      pushd $tempdir
      # note the differences here:
      ${super.nodePackages.node2nix}/bin/node2nix --input <( echo "[\"$1\"]")
      nix-env --install --file .

And that, with only a few changes, is what I use today.

$ nix-env -i nix-npm-install
# [snip nix noise]
$ nix-npm-install write-good
# [snip more nix noise]
installing ‘node-write-good-0.11.0’
$ write-good _posts/
# [snip all my weak writing]

Limitations and Future Work

Now, just like npm itself, this script is not guaranteed to work with any packages that have some kind of non-node system dependencies. And there are many ways this basic version can be improved: why not always use a fixed and more recent version of node than node2nix sets by default? Why not implement subcommands, so we could call nix-npm uninstall foo instead of remembering we need to do nix-env -e node-foo instead?

And why not write a matching script that does the same thing for the other common language-specific package managers, like, say rubygems?

Next time.

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